Monday, March 4, 2019

March 4th - 8th...

Image result for march breakThis week students will be making and serving pancakes for the entire school on Shrove Tuesday, every student in the school will receive one pancake. We will also have an Ash Wednesday Liturgy on Wednesday at 12:30pm as we prepare for the Lenten season.

In Math, we will be working on our problem solving skills as well as practicing EQAO questions. Students are encouraged to remember the process before, during and after problem solving to ensure that their strategy and their answers are reasonable. In language, students have been assigned a persuasive writing task that is due Tuesday. The format for this assignments is a 5 paragraph essay. As a group we will be finishing our novel and we will be comparing it to the movie format on Friday of this week.

As a reminder this is the last week before March Break, the students will be working hard to complete all of their assignments to have well deserved break!

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